About US

Experienced, Trusted, Dedicated Company

Who we are

We’re Committed to Protecting Our Clients

Here at CST we specialize in the Cyber security aspects of technology. We focus on what can the hackers see and how they can get in. “If we can get in… So can the hackers!”

We achieve this by conducting Vulnerability Testing, Penetration Testing ( WiFi & Network), Network Assessment and IT Audits.

Our firm is currently located in Yamacraw, since 2015.

CST strive to stay updated with real-time cyber events and updates.

Our mission to stay on path with the hackers with knowledge and technique but to keep our defense ahead of them.

Goal is to have a expedite incident response time. And to find every intruder that hides in your network.

Vision to be the best Cyber Security company in the Bahamas.

Founded In:


Located In:

New Providence

Assets Protected:

$1 million

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